Sustainability Committee
Middletown Maryland is
Sustainable Maryland Certified
Middletown is very proud and honored to have again achieved Sustainable Maryland Certified status! The Town was first certified in 2016, and is one of 38 municipalities in the state to have gained this designation.
“For over 20 years we have undertaken green initiatives and have been a better town as a result. However, the focus that Sustainable Maryland brought to Middletown and our Green Team in our quest for certification has taken us to a new level of green, money-saving, initiatives and has set the trend for Middletown to be a sustainable community well into the future.”
–John D. Miller, Burgess
Agendas & Minutes.
You can expect to see Agendas posted each Friday prior to the meeting date. Minutes to each meeting require approval. As a result, meeting minutes will be posted no earlier than one month after the actual meeting date. If you have questions about any of the Agendas or Minutes please contact the Town Office at (301) 371-6171.
Sustainability is a complex concept.
The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Sustainable practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. Sustainability presumes that resources are finite, and should be used conservatively and wisely with a view to long-term priorities and consequences of the ways in which resources are used.” In simplest terms, sustainability is about our children and our grandchildren, and the world we will leave them.
(UCLA Sustainability, www.sustain.ucla.edu/what-is-sustainability/)
Middletown Green Team Action Plan
Middletown’s Green Team’s mission is to: conserve Middletown’s shared natural resources, including land, air, water, open spaces, and viewsheds. By working in partnership with our schools, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, businesses, and residents, we can sustain natural resources and promote healthy living for generations to come. We will accomplish our goals by creating understanding in the community, promoting involvement by way of education, and addressing environmental challenges and opportunities by focusing on economic, environmental, and social sustainability.
SMC RE-Certification WAS ACHIEVED on October 16, 2019
Through the Following Actions:
Complete and document our Green Team Action Plan (Community Action) √
Hold annual Green Expo (Community Action) √
Continue to build a Green Team (Community Action) √
Continue to build a SM Resource Center in Town Hall and on-line (Community Action) √
Hold Green Talks in partnership with other entities about sustainability (Community Action) √
Continue to support our Local Farmer’s Market (Community Based Food System) √
Continue to support the Local Food Bank (Community Based Food System) √
Continue to support the local community gardens (Community Based Food System) √
Document municipal boiler replacement (Energy) √
Document Wastewater Treatment Plant Solar Energy Project (Energy) √
Document municipal center HVAC replacement (Energy) √
Document installation of solar panels on food bank building (Energy) √
Document installation of an EV charging station in town parking lot (Energy) √
Document replacement of Town Hall lights to LED’s (Energy) √
Continue to update Local Business Directory (Local Economies) √
Document Main Street Program (Local Economies) √
Document Local Business Roundtables (Local Economies) √
Document Recycle Drop-off Location (Natural Resources) √
Compost bin sales to residents (Natural Resources) √
Pollinator resolution passage (Natural Resources) √
Backyard Buffer program opportunity notices (Natural Resources) √
Document Water Conservation Alert System (Natural Resources) √
Document Dog Park and Bag Stations (Natural Resources) √
Document Rain Barrel Program (Natural Resources) √
Document Yard Waste Bag program (Natural Resources) √
Document Scout Project painting Curb and Gutters to be Bay Wise (Natural Resources) √
Document Town Hall as a Collection Site/Center for Unused Meds (Natural Resources & Health and Wellness) √
Improvements to West Green Street (Natural Resources) √
Improvements to Town parking lot (Natural Resources) √
Municipal Carbon Footprint (Greenhouse Gas) √
Construct rest of walking trail from Linden to East Main Street and Remsberg Park (Planning & Land Use) √
Document Participation in DHCD Sustainable Communities (Planning & Land Use) √
2020 - 2021: items completed to continue on our path to create and maintain a more sustainable community:
Tree City USA designation (Natural Resources) √
Bee City USA designation (Natural Resources) √
Establish Local Historic Property Tax Incentives (Local Economies) √
2022 – 2023: items to work on moving forward:
Join the Maryland Green Registry Program (Local Economies)
MEA grant funding for energy efficient streetscape lighting (Energy)
Conversion of streetlights to LED’s (Energy)
Buy Local Campaign (Local Economies)
Organic Waste Composting (Local Economies)
Implement Waste Reduction Program (Local Economies)
Community-Based Public Art (Community Action)
Participation in MD Green Schools (Community Action)
Spring or Fall Transplant Sale (Community Based Food System)
NWF Community Wildlife Habitat (Natural Resources)
Integrated Pest Management Plan
Future work to consider – 2024 and beyond:
Climate Action Plan (Greenhouse Gas)
Community Carbon Footprint (Greenhouse Gas)
Evaluate and Determine the Feasibility of Constructing a 1-Mega Watt Solar Farm (Energy)
Safe Routes to School Program