A Program of the Middletown
Sustainability Committee

Watercolor by Kesra Hoffman, used with permission
The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade
you do not expect to sit.
-Nelson Henderson

A native tree planted in someone’s memory or to commemorate a meaningful milestone is a living tribute that benefits present and future generations.
Gift a tree to acknowledge—
❖ The birth or adoption of a child
❖ A wedding
❖ An anniversary
❖ A graduation
❖ A baptism
❖ A birthday
❖ A death
❖ Mother’s or Father’s Day
❖ Grandparent’s Day
❖ Honoring someone’s military service
❖ A special holiday
❖ A Bar/Bat mitzvah
❖ A team championship
❖ An influential teacher, coach
❖ Someone for a special accomplishment

When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and the seeds of hope. -Wangari Maatha

Middletown’s Gift Tree program beautifies our public spaces with native trees that benefit our environment and add to our community heritage. Imagine how special a gift tree recipient will feel knowing a tree grows in Middletown in their honor.
Middletown’s Gift Tree program beautifies our public spaces with native trees that benefit our environment and add to our community heritage. Imagine how special a gift tree recipient will feel knowing a tree grows in Middletown in their honor.
In addition, your gift tree can help—
❖ Improve air quality
❖ Improve walkability
❖ Reduce water runoff
❖ Conserve water
❖ Lower crime rates
❖ Control soil erosion
❖ Remove carbon from the atmosphere
❖ Increase the life of asphalt/hard surfaces
❖ Support local ecosystems
❖ Add value to community spaces

❖ Your gift tree will be a high-quality, native species with a 2 inch caliper.
❖ A custom plaque honoring your person/event will be installed with your tree.
❖ A certificate of acknowledgement will be sent to the donor.
❖ A list of tree donations will be maintained on the Middletown website.

❖ Fill out the application included in this webpage and submit as directed. Memorial Tree Application
❖ You will be contacted by a member of the Sustainability Committee to assist you with choosing a native tree and site appropriate location. The town has designated several areas for gift trees.
❖ Tree prices vary by species ranging from $300-600. The price includes a customized tree plaque.
❖ All trees are planted in the fall (by the end of October) to ensure the best growing conditions for the trees. Trees are planted and cared for by the town and guaranteed for 2 years.
❖ Applications received after September 30, will have trees planted the following year.
Middletown’s Sustainability Committee applauds the town’s efforts in practicing sustainable land management. Residents are urged to learn as much as they can about Middletown's Forest Conservation efforts and to pursue the many simple ways to help. The Middletown Sustainability Committee would like to share with the community more detailed information about the Middletown Gift Tree and Bench Program.
Gift Tree with a Memorial Bench:
Donors have an option to purchase both a bench and tree. Please submit both applications together (Memorial Bench Application). After you return your application, you will be contacted to finalize details and select a tree.
Trees provide many years of service in regard to maintaining our ecosystem. Trees clean our air, absorbing harmful carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. They help to clean water for the millions of Americans who depend on a forest every time they turn on their faucets. Healthy forests sustain critical habitat needed for wildlife and enhance our own outdoor pursuits. Trees that are planted today will be enjoyed by generations to follow – and since trees provide so many natural benefits, it is a gift that keeps on giving.
Native trees are those that occur naturally in a region in which they evolved. They are the ecological basis upon which life depends, including birds and people. Without them and the insects that co-evolved with them, local birds cannot survive. For example, research by the entomologist Doug Tallamy has shown that native oak trees support over 500 species of caterpillars whereas ginkgos, a commonly planted landscape tree from Asia, host only 5 species of caterpillars. When it takes over 6,000 caterpillars to raise one brood of chickadees, that is a significant difference.
Trees provide many years of service in regard to maintaining our ecosystem. Trees clean our air, absorbing harmful carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. They help to clean water for the millions of Americans who depend on a forest every time they turn on their faucets. Healthy forests sustain critical habitat needed for wildlife and enhance our own outdoor pursuits. Trees that are planted today will be enjoyed by generations to follow – and since trees provide so many natural benefits, it is a gift that keeps on giving.
Helping the Climate:
Planting trees can combat climate change. Native trees, especially long-living trees like oaks and maples, are effective at storing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Conserving Water:
Because native trees are adapted to local environmental conditions, they require far less water, saving time, money, and perhaps the most valuable natural resource, water.
In addition to providing vital habitat for birds, many other species of wildlife benefits as well. They provide protective shelter for many mammals. The native nuts, seeds, and fruits produced by these trees offer essential foods for all forms of wildlife.